Maccabi Games

Team Palm Beach is Forming!
We're looking for teens to compete in the largest annual Jewish teen event in the country! They will be participating in an Olympic-style event. This will include sport competitions, opening and closing ceremonies, a tribute to the Munich 11, home hospitality with local Jewish host families, JCC Cares community service projects, hang time programming with Israeli schlichim, and evening social events.They will create memories to last a lifetime while competing, collaborating, and growing with other Jewish teens in this Olympic-style event!
The JCC Association is proud to add JCC Maccabi Access. It is a JCC Maccabi Games compition for athletes with cognitive and developmental disabilities. They will be competing in their own tournament parallel to the Games athletes. These Maccabi Access athletes must be ages 13-17 to participate.
The Maccabi Games participents must be ages 13-17: Participants must be age 13 by July 31, 2025 and cannot be 18 on or before July 31, 2025.
For further information:
The JCC Maccabi Games® are an Olympic-style sporting competition held each summer in North America and is the second largest organized sports program for Jewish teenagers in the world. The Maccabi Movement began in 1895 when the first all-Jewish sports club was formed in Constantinople. The first world Maccabiah Games were held in Israel in 1932. Now, this two week competition takes place every four years and has featured many world class Jewish athletes including: Mark Spitz (swimming), Mitch Gaylord (gymnastics), Ernie Grunfeld and Danny Schayes (basketball), Brad Gilbert and Dick Savitt (tennis).
The first North American JCC Maccabi Games® were held in 1982 with 300 athletes. Due to overwhelming interest, Regional Games were added in 1985 to augment the even-year Continental Games. 1997 marked the first time that the Games were held simultaneously in six American cities with 4,400 participating athletes. Since their inception in 1982, the Games have grown from a small pilot project in one host community to an Olympic-style sporting competition held each summer in multiple sites throughout North America.
Today, over 6,000 teens, ranging from 13 to 17 years of age, participate in the JCC Maccabi Games® each summer. The Games are co-sponsored by the Jewish Community Center Association of North America, Maccabi World Union, Maccabi Canada, and Maccabi USA/Sports for Israel.