
Camp Shalom Update E-Mail (06/12/2022)

Hi Camp Shalom Families,

We've heard from some of you in the past few days about the summer viruses going around and want to let you know that we are doing additional sanitizing at Camp Shalom to do our best to help minimize campers catching any of the things going around.

If your camper is not feeling well or has a fever, we ask that you please keep your camper home to help prevent the spread of the viruses in our camp community. Campers who have a fever 100.4 or higher will need to stay home until they are fever free, without the aid of medicine, for 24 hours.

Masks continue to be optional at Camp Shalom. If you would like your camper to wear a mask, please let me know and we will make sure they are wearing them properly. Sending a few extra in their backpack as backup will help too.

Week two was fantastic and we are looking forward to even more exciting adventures this week. Don’t forget to send your child with a second bathing suit on Monday for Wacky Water Day!

Thank you for partnering with us as we try our best together to keep everyone healthy. if you have questions, please let us know. Thanks so much and I hope you are having a great weekend.

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