
Camp Shalom E-Mail (05/27/2022)

Shabbat Shalom, camp families!

We were SO excited to see so many of our campers and families at Open House this week! Please take the time to read below and review the attachments for some very important information to ensure a smooth kickoff to camp:

1. Parent Portal - Contains previous Camp Director emails. Check back often for other important information!

2. Lunches - Ordering is closed for Week 1. To place a lunch order, please visit the following link: Lunch Add-Ons and click the purple box to Register for Add-Ons Only. Here, you will log into your account and can select lunches. Please note that lunch orders will close Wednesdays at 12:00 pm for the following week (ex. Wednesday, June 8 is the last day to order Week 3 lunches).

4. Camp Store - Items will arrive next week and be sent home with your campers! We have a very limited stock of extra items for those who are interested.

Have a safe and relaxing holiday weekend, and we can't wait for the best summer ever to begin on Tuesday!

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